Well, that didn't come quick enough. Time to say good-bye to one crazy-ass year!
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There was a time when I loved the Fall. The smells. The feel. The new chapters.
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Well, it's been awhile since I posted here and a lot has fallen between January and August including a Pandemic!
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It's hard to put into words exactly how you feel when you are in a place surrounded by like-minded people, all there for the same purpose, to fight the same cause through music and friendship. It's something that you have to experience....many times. And we have. Thankfully!
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With the new year quickly approaching, I have mixed emotions about saying good-bye to the past decade.
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"I think I'm starting to believe the things that I've heard. Cause tonight in Casa Dega I hang on every word"
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April, 1998. 4 months before Google was born, a year before Napster was born, and long before Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Netflix, Spotify and Snapchat graced our computer screens and mobile devices. Hell, it was almost a decade before the first iPhone! Yes, before all of these iconic web companies and services existed, there was DANIMA!
A special one for the Rotellas as Ms. Anna hits the half-century mark and we get to celebrate our 30th Valentine's together!
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It's hard to believe it's been 10 years since the first Light of Day was held here in Niagara. We've met some great people, made some great friends and hopefully raised a lot of awareness.