I'm really
going to miss the kids (and the parents...lol), watching the players develop their skills and knowledge of the game as the year would unfold, the camaraderie with the players, the dressing room pep talks, the competition, the friendships, but above all else, I will miss coaching my son. Not just the time on the diamond, in the arena, on the pitch, or on the court, but also the times we'd just go hit fly balls at Ker Park (while Dad's team was playing), batting practice at Greendale, getting up early (before school) and driving to the goalie pad in St. Kitts or jumping on the ice an hour before practice to work on his power pushes and glove hand. He was always determined and never, ever complained about the extra ice-time....in fact, he would ask if we could go hit ground balls or do some extra work on the ice...sometimes even on the Evan Centre pad

We had some awesome times and some great/fun teams. The undefeated White team, the Orangemen, the Big Red Machine, the early DANIMA soccer teams, the DANIMA Blue and DANIMA Gold ball teams and specifically the DANIMA ball team in the summer of 2018 when my coaches (Tim/Steve) and the players all came out onto the field with ROTELLA STRONG shirts as my Dad fought his battle with Cancer. Meant so much...still does.