Is This Thing Working?



Happy New Year!

Hard to believe 2015 is gone. Man, these years seem to go by so quickly. Must be my age. Speaking of age, in less than a month I'll be 50...are you kidding me???? They say it's just a number, but that number is a lot bigger than I'd like it to be :)

There is a lot to look forward to in 2016. DANIMA is moving in a great direction, Light of Day Canada is going to be celebrating our 10th Anniversary, the Super Bowl is 50 this year, as mentioned, I'm turning 50 too, and my wife and I will be celebrating 30 years of dating/marriage! Quite a few milestones all in one year. Time sure flies when you are having fun...and I have to admit, I'm havin' a lot of fun!

Before the time gets too far away from me I wanted to wish all of you out there that actually pop by and read this little blog-posty-thing a very healthy, happy and successful 2016. May you reach all of your goals and may God's blessings keep you always (stole that from Bobby D). Every day on this big blue marble is a good one, no matter what life throws at you.  So make sure you "Reach Up and Touch The Sky" (in the words of Little Steven) .....and as Warren said to David Letterman if he had any advice as he was nearing the end of his life... "Enjoy Every Sandwich"!

God speed Glenn Frey and David Bowie
Thank you for your contribution to the soundtrack of our lives!

No surrender,